Lover-Beauty: Modeling straps

Hey guys, how are you guys?

Modeling straps are already part of the daily life of Brazilian women, whether used in post-surgery or to help reduce measurements. There are several models available and each one serves a benefit or brings an extra advantage. In today's post, we'll talk about Lover Beauty's styling belts

Created in November 2014, Lover-Beauty was created with the proposal of bringing self-esteem and acceptance among women. In the store, you can find several models of modeling straps and posture correctors as well.


The best known model is the addominal straps that wraps around the waist and helps to disguise both abdominal fat and helps with body posture. The benefit of this type is that it can be used on a daily basis under clothes normally and it already gives a result in appearance right away. For those who want to understand the belly and accentuate the buttocks, the panty-type strap is the most suitable. It has a high waistband and is super discreet.

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Something I haven't seen and Lover-Beauty has is wholesale shapewear , which has a legging that has understanding of the belly and also helps all over the bottom of the body. It is perfect for training or hiking and is available in many sizes.

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Who is thinking of wholesale waist trainers , the store has a lot of variety with double belts and even more than three belts. Not to mention all the colors that will give it an extra personality.

The store's biggest differential is the large size chart, as it suits all bodies and also the attractive price. The store also sells wholesale and it is possible to put your own logo on the pieces, for those who work with the sales of pieces it is a great option.

The modeling straps have passed and a lot of being just for aesthetics and everyone should try one at least once.

Have you ever used straps?


20 comentários

  1. So interesting, but no..I doubt I could wear anything like this no longer than 10 minutes.

  2. Wow, these do look interesting. Thanks for the insight on this.

  3. I have not tried anything like these. Great post!

  4. Faz tempo que não uso a minha, mas amava usar porque minha postura tava muito melhor e eu estava com menos dor na coluna.

  5. passando para desejar um feliz fim de semana bjs saude

  6. Gostei bastante dos modelos das cintas.


  7. Gente
    eu não usei essas cintas, mas ja usei outras para segurar a barriga sim rsrsrs
    MAS essas parece que tem uma boa sustentação! Gostei!!!

    Blog Interrupted Dreamer

  8. Olá...
    Eu já usei algumas cintas, mas, sempre acho que está desconfortável, então, nem uso mais.

  9. Oi Tay,
    Já usei cintas, mas não desta forma.
    Pessoalmente, acho que temos que aceitar quem somos sem padrões estéticos, mas entendo que ela pode trazer alguns benefícios na saúde como postura e tal.

  10. Gracias por la recomendación, te mando un beso

  11. I usually use shapewear when wearing tighter dresses, which isn't often, but I definitely see how it helps women's figures!

  12. Parecem muito boas, fiquei curiosa em testar!

    Marcela Miranda

  13. Muito legal a postagem! Tem uns modelos bem bonitos. Eu tinha uma cinta, mas não me adaptei. Sou mais do conforto.

    Beijoos ;*

  14. Looks so interesting! Not sure whether i try it ör not, thanks for the review.

  15. Essa loja é maravilhosa, cheia de peças incríveis


  16. Olá,
    Eu nunca usei cintas desse modelo, mas achei uma ótima dica pq conheço várias mulheres que sempre buscam por opções diferentes.

    até mais,
    Canto Cultzíneo



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